t was Gabe's second Christmas this year and although he is too young to grasp the idea of waking up to presents that Santa brought the night before, he did enjoy each and every one of his gifts he received. His favorite of the gifts being his "v'room v'room" that got from Grandma and Grandpa Smitherman. It is a power wheels motor cycle that has a Harley Davidson sticker on the front of it. His obsession with motor cycles began because of Grandpa Dalton and Grandpa Kevin as well as Daddy all having Harley's. And now because of Grandma and Grandpa, Gabe too can enjoy the wind in his hair and the roar "however small" of his new Harley Davidson. Besides his apparent obsession with Motor Cycles he has come to love sports. Mostly Basketball and Football, but he enjoys all sports, just the same. He likes to watch Sunday night football, standing in front of the TV yelling "get it get it get it and oooooooooogh" when they tackle or drop the ball. It seemed obvious that Santa should get him a basketball hoop and a football for Christmas as well. I think he was brought more toys than he know what to do with but as
our only little one at Christmas I felt that it wasn't possible to go "over-board".

On Christmas Day I cooked my first "Traditional Christmas Dinner" which included, Ham, Mashed Potatoes, Green bean Casserole, Dinner Rolls, Apple Pie and a few other things. It turned out rather good, especially the Ham if I do say so my self. We invited over one of Buds friends and little boy so they could enjoy a home made Christmas dinner. After dinner the boys played Rock Band on our New Wii. Gabe really like singing into the microphone, he continued singing even after we were done with rockband and play Mario Cart.
Christmas over all was really nice this year. Except my having surgery on the 19th which left me on crutches and in a boot. I followed doctors orders as far as five days, leg elevated and only get up to the bathroom. And by the way no weight on that foot at all. But by day five I was feeling restless, and after going to the doctor and getting the OK to start putting weight on that foot, decided to go to Walmart and K-mart with out my crutches. Then stand on my feet to cook a feast for five people the very next day. Let just say I am regretting that decision in many ways and have decided to keep my foot up for the most part for the remainder of the day today.
Bud certainly spoiled me this year getting me the new Cannon Power Shot digital camera. I can tell you I was so excited and gratful. I truly am blessed to have such a thoughtful husband. His present has yet to arrive thanks to storms in the north west shutting FedEx down. Hopefully it comes today. I desperatly need to finish this post and get to cleaning up this living room before Bud comes home from his run. So I will end here and post the rest of the Christmas pictures later.