Thursday, January 7, 2010

Lately my very smart, very mouthy little boy has said and done some pretty funny things that I feel compelled to share with all of you.

*while saying our prayers before bed on Sunday night Gabe prayed for "Jesus to love the penguins", I am not sure if he is talking about actual penguins of which his has yet to see, or the cartoon penguins of Madagascar. Either way I couldn't help but chuckle at his love of wild life.
* At the Temple  Nativity  I told him a short, toddler version of the true Christmas Story, which he quickly followed with " Does baby Jesus and the fake cow live in that castle?"
*  At Chili's on Saturday he peered over the booth wall to the floor below yelling "Mommy, there's a humpedbacked whale" I chuckled and asked were did you hear about Humpback Whales, to which he replied in CAL--IF--ORNIA.
* Everyday he reminds  Bud and I that he either needs "another Sisher" or he needs his "SISHER MTayla"
* Bud and I were talking about the condo in Oceanside and Gabe said " I wanna see the Condor" I said Gabe its the Condo, the place we live at when we go to the beach, is that what you mean, He quickly answered. "No mom, the Condor, CAWW-Caww duhhhhhhhhh."
*The other day he was playing with his toy riffle he got for Christmas and accidetally cut himself on some glass, he said " Mom, I shot me, I shot me in my foot"
*oh and apparently I am Gabes daughter and his dad is his Husbin. Bud and I are not Married because Uncle Darren's wife is Mary and his sisher Mtayla is not daddy kid, she's Gabe's. He not quite grasping the concept of how the family fits, but at least he know we all fit somehow.

You never know what this kid's gonna say, you just have to be ready to explain to people it's it way off the wall. Like lately people are "creepy", how do explain that to the old man in Walmart that wants to say hi to Gabe.

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